PB&J Volunteers Needed
Join us Tuesday, September 14th, at 9:30 am to make PB&J sandwiches for City Union Mission. If you would like to serve and join us for some sandwich making and friendly conversation, we’ll be in the Fellowship Hall. Hope to see you there!
Renewal: Wednesday Nights of Worship | Fall 2021
We live in a world that that is fallen and broken. A world where we experience weariness, burdens, stress, despair, anxiety, grief, and hardships of every kind. Because of this what we all are in need of is a place of rest, refreshment, and renewal. A place where we can reorient our lives around the one whose yoke is easy and burden is light. A place where the promises of God breathe life into us. A place where we seek to magnify and delight in God through our praise of Him.
Come and join us in the ministry Center for “Renewal: Wednesday Nights of Worship.” We will have fellowship, coffee, and desserts from 6:30pm-7:00pm. Then from 7:00pm to 7:45pm we will spend time in worship, prayer, and reflection to find renewal, rest, and refreshment. This ministry will begin on Wednesday September 15!
Fall Fest: Pig Roast | September 18th
Join us September 18th from 5-8pm on the Gashland Grounds up by the Pavilion for our Fall Fest: Pig Roast! We will be catering in BBQ, and providing beans, chips, and drinks! We’ll having washers, corn hole, yard games and more. This will be a fun and relaxing evening of fellowship with our church family!
Community Group | Fall 2021
Looking for closer relationships within the church? Then Community Groups might be for you. Community Groups are small groups of 8-10 individuals, meeting in homes potentially twice per month, in order to care for one another, pray, reflect on God’s Word, and share life. For anyone with questions, curiosity, or interest, please join us for one of our quick informational meetings on Sunday September 19th. We will hold one in the chapel during the Sunday School Hour and one immediately following second service in the Ministry Center Lobby by the South doors. Please attend whichever one is more convenient! (No need to come to both – they are the same meeting). You will have the opportunity to hear more details, ask questions, and sign up formally for community groups. You can also sign up by using the back of the communication card on Sunday if you cannot attend one of the meetings or by emailing Michael at Michael@gashland.org. Thanks!
Women’s Ministry Fall Studies & Events
Ladies, we want to equip you and connect you to God and to each other! Visit the lobby tables for our Fall 2021 brochure with details and dates for our upcoming events (including full details on the study groups.) If you are worshipping virtually and want an electronic copy of this brochure, please click here.
Glimpses of Gospel Grace
There are quarterly opportunities where women are equipped to approach life’s challenges through a gospel perspective by being given tools through reading, discussion and sharing. Jesus promised we’d encounter various troubles in life, and these difficulties often reveal our fears, weaknesses, and doubts. These challenges may involve our marriages, families, and physical or spiritual health, and yet through Jesus, we have received grace upon grace. Grace that offers comfort (or our deepest and often hidden pain, strength when we feel burnt out or battered down, and healing for relational wounds.
With the bewildering reality of an ever-evolving global pandemic, the September gathering will address the topic of anxiety. Pick up a copy of the Elyse Fitzpatrick book Overcoming Fear, Worry, and Anxiety to read on your own, and then join in a group discussion September 19th at 3:00 pm in the Chapel. Copies are available for purchase from the church office. Contact Deb Michaud (deb.michaud@crossworld.org) with any questions.
Women’s Morning Circle Meeting | September 21st
Let’s get together, ladies! It’s time to resume our “3rd Tuesday” monthly meetings for prayer and Bible study.
Linda VanDerWeele will lead us as we study the Psalms. We will meet in The Fellowship Hall from 9:30-11:00 am. Hot tea and coffee will be available. If anyone has questions, please call Cindy Harris at 792-3031.
Getting to Know Gashland | Starting October 3rd
Interested in becoming a member at Gashland or simply want to know more about Gashland? We will be offering our new members class, “Getting to Know Gashland” starting on October 3rd! We will meet during the Sunday school hour, 9:45 am-10:45 am. This 6 week class gives you an opportunity to discover what we believe and who we are, learn about our various ministries, and also meet and hear from our leadership and staff. It is led by Pastor Ritchey Cable. We look forward to seeing you there!
Piano Update | Finance Team
Around 40 years ago, Don & Martha Kuenzi donated the sanctuary piano in honor of Don’s parents. While the piano has been maintained and tuned throughout the years, it now needs to be restored. The parts and labor will cost $2,355. This amount exceeds the instrument maintenance budget for 2021. The Kuenzi family has decided to use a portion of the Memorial Funds given in honor of Don to offset some of this cost.
If you would like to help out with the piano restoration, please mark your check memo with: ‘Piano restoration’. If you give through Tithely, tap the ‘Miscellaneous Income’ window to make your contribution. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.